Event Fundraising Process
Confirmed! Thank you for requesting a Sew Sporty Event Fundraising Package. We have booked an event package for your upcoming event but please review the following to understand our workflow. Don't forget, we're here to help.
Step #1 – Authorize Credit Card & Set Shipping Address
Step #2 – Package Delivered 7 Days Before Your Event
One week before your event, you'll receive the 200 pieces of rowing and crew apparel via UPS or FedEx at the shipping address you listed in the credit card authorization process. This will include an introduction letter, an inventory overview sheet, and instructions for recording your sales and returning any unsold product.
Step #3 – Sell at Your Event!
With a huge array of rowing-themed apparel, you have the opportunity for a great fundraiser.
Step #4 – Return Unsold Product & Payment
After your event is over, use the enclosed inventory sheet to calculate your payment to Sew Sporty and ship the unsold product back to us within two weeks. Payment can be made by check or credit card. You keep the profit!
That's it! We wish you the best of luck with your event fundraising.